The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

I finally, at age 37, married a great guy (Stephen). We had one daughter a year later (Emma). And then I was told that waiting so long to get started on a family meant that family would include only the three of us. So not being one to take an answer I didn't want to hear as the final answer, we explored our options for expanding our family other ways. Do you know there are 20,000 children in the Foster Care system in Los Angeles!? Well, now there are two less. In May of 2008, we adopted Kevin and Tiffany, biological siblings, ages three and four. Wow, my life is busy now with three kids, and a husband, and a house and, oh, yeah, the job. After more than twenty years in the zoo world-teaching everyone who would listen about the wonders of the natural world, especially as it related to the animals, I have moved into a new area of education. For the past three years, I have been working in Extension education at West Los Angeles College. It's nice to be working for an organization where education is our first and foremost goal. My goals have shifted away from work, however. My family occupies most of my time and energy these days.